Common TealANSERIFORMES - Family Anatidae - subfamily Anatinae - tribe Anatini click image or number in brackets to see a larger version. |
Common Teal, Ko-gamo or Anas crecca. photo: 02/1999, Tokyo, Japan. | Common Teal [2], Ko-gamo or Anas crecca. photo: 03/2003, Shiga, Japan. | Common Teal [3][4], Ko-gamo or Anas crecca. photo: 12/2006, Tokyo, Japan. |
Common Teal [8], Ko-gamo or Anas crecca. photo: 04/2010, Fukuoka, Japan. | Common Teal [9], Ko-gamo or Anas crecca. photo: 03/2011, Aichi, Japan. | Common Teal [10], Ko-gamo or Anas crecca. photo: 04/2011, Hiroshima, Japan. |
Common Teal [11], Ko-gamo or Anas crecca. photo: 04/2012, Yamaguchi, Japan. | Common Teal [12], Ko-gamo or Anas crecca. photo: 11/2012, Yamaguchi, Japan. | Common Teal [13], Ko-gamo or Anas crecca. photo: 12/2014, Tokyo, Japan. |
Common Teal [14], Ko-gamo or Anas crecca. photo: 04/2015, Nagano, Japan. | back to main room |
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