Colors and Biogeographic Realms

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the image above created by carol is used/modified subject to Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.


indicates the photos posted also on our photoblog (wildlife portrait archive) ;
indicates the identification being uncertain ;
indicates an introduced or re-introduced species ;
indicates the subject was dead when pictured ;
indicates a hybrid ;
indicates a chained or caged animal ;
indicates the photo taken with a trail camera ;
indicates the photo taken using a song/call recording (in spite of our policies below) ;
indicates the poto taken using bait (in spite of our policies below) ;
indicates a movie or slideshow; and
indicates a painting or drawing.
indicates a audio file.

Classification - Identification

The classification, common names and scientific names are based on 'Taxonomy in Flux (TiF)' by John H. Boyd III.

The identification of subspecies is based on location only in most of cases, and is therefore unreliable, inconsistent or even meaningless. It is added for fun only.

If you find errors, please contact site owner.

Our Policies

  • Our collections basically comprise photographs of the living creatures we have actually encountered by chance.
  • We don't use any bait, scent, artificial roost, audio devices or other unfair method to lure birds or animals except for some rare cases marked with relevant icons (We often talk / whistle to them with our own organs though).
  • Our collections include photos of domesticated animals freely walking, wandering or reposing at the time of our encounter. Animals in captivity are marked with the chain icon.
  • Similarly, you will only find plants and fungi growing wild. Rare exceptions include farm products like finger millet or rape flowers.

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PASSERIFORMES / Passeri / Passerida / Sylvioidea / Hirundinidae

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Covering : Hirundinidae


Photos featured on the blog - Click each thumbnail to see the relevant blog entry.

My image
Barn Swallow (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Hirundo rustica). Photo: 04/2010, Ehime, Japan.
My image
Asian House-Martin (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Delichon dasypus). Photo: 06/2008, Alishan, Taiwan.
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Red-rumped Swallow (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis daurica). Photo: 03/2008, Wutai Township, Taiwan.
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Brown-chested Martin (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Progne tapera). Photo: 08/2017, Arapahu, Suriname.
My image
Barn Swallow (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Hirundo rustica). Photo: 08/2024, Nagano, Japan.


You may filter photos by family, location, genus, name, etc.

  • My image
    Barn Swallow (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Hirundo rustica).
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    Pacific Swallow (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Hirundo tahitica).
  • My image
    Asian House-Martin (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Delichon dasypus).
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    Grey-breasted Martin (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Progne chalybea).
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    White-winged Swallow (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Tachycineta albiventer).
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    White-banded Swallow (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Atticora fasciata).
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    Welcome Swallow [1] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Hirundo neoxena). Photo: 09/2003, Albany, Australia.
    My image
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    Welcome Swallow [2] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Hirundo neoxena). Photo: 09/2003, Albany, Australia.
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    Southern Martin (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Progne elegans). Photo: 08/2004, Overbridge, Suriname.
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    Southern Rough-winged Swallow [1] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Stelgidopteryx ruficollis). Photo: 08/2004, Powakka, Suriname.
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    Southern Rough-winged Swallow [2] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Stelgidopteryx ruficollis). Photo: 08/2004, Powakka, Suriname.
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    Southern Rough-winged Swallow [3] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Stelgidopteryx ruficollis). Photo: 08/2004, Powakka, Zanderij.
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    Black-collared Swallow [1] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Pygochelidon melanoleuca). Photo: 08/2004, Foengoe Is., Suriname.
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    Striated Swallow [1] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis striolata striolata). Photo: 06/2005, Chichi, Taiwan.
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    Striated Swallow [2] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis striolata striolata). Photo: 06/2005, Chichi, Taiwan.
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    Striated Swallow [3] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis striolata striolata). Photo: 06/2005, Chichi, Taiwan.
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    Red-breasted Swallow (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis semirufa). Photo: 08/2005, Etosha, Namibia.
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    Lesser Striped-Swallow [1] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis abyssinica). Photo: 08/2005, Mahango GR., Namibia.
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    Lesser Striped-Swallow [2] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis abyssinica). Photo: 08/2005, Mahango GR., Namibia.
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    Mosque Swallow (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis senegalensis). Photo: 08/2005, Mahango GR., Namibia.
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    Wire-tailed Swallow [1] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Hirundo smithii). Photo: 08/2005, Divundu, Namibia.
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    Rock Martin [1] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Ptynoprogne fuligula). Photo: 08/2005, Daan VIljoen GR., Namibia.
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    Rock Martin [2] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Ptynoprogne fuligula). Photo: 08/2005, Daan VIljoen GR., Namibia.
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    Wire-tailed Swallow [2] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Hirundo smithii). Photo: 08/2006, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
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    Grey-throated Martin (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Riparia chinensis). Photo: 08/2006, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
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    Rufous-bellied Swallow (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis badia). Photo: 08/2006, Khao Phanom Bencha NP., Thailand.
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    Grey-rumped Swallow (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Pseudhirundo griseopyga). Photo: 08/2007, Omboué, Gabon.
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    Lesser Striped-Swallow [3] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis abyssinica). Photo: 08/2007, Omboué, Gabon.
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    Lesser Striped-Swallow [4] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis abyssinica). Photo: 08/2007, Omboué, Gabon.
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    Angolan Swallow (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Hirundo angolensis). Photo: 08/2007, Loango NP., Gabon.
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    White-bibbed Swallow [1] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Hirundo nigrita). Photo: 08/2007, Loango NP., Gabon.
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    White-bibbed Swallow [2] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Hirundo nigrita). Photo: 08/2007, Loango NP., Gabon.
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    White-bibbed Swallow [3] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Hirundo nigrita). Photo: 08/2007, Loango NP., Gabon.
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    Square-tailed Sawwing (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Psalidoprocne nitens). Photo: 08/2007, Ivindo NP., Gabon.
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    Lesser Striped-Swallow [5] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis abyssinica). Photo: 08/2007, Ivindo NP., Gabon.
    My image
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    Black Sawwing / Blue Sawwing (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Psalidoprocne pristoptera). Photo: 08/2007, Ivindo NP., Gabon.
    My image
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    Lesser Striped-Swallow [6] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis abyssinica). Photo: 09/2007, La Lopé, Gabon.
    My image
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    Lesser Striped-Swallow [7] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis abyssinica). Photo: 09/2007, La Lopé, Gabon.
    My image
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    Lesser Striped-Swallow [8] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis abyssinica). Photo: 09/2007, La Lopé, Gabon.
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    Red-rumped Swallow [1] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis daurica). Photo: 03/2008, Wutai Township, Taiwan.
    My image
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    Red-rumped Swallow [2] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis daurica). Photo: 03/2008, Wutai Township, Taiwan.
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    Striated Swallow [4] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis striolata). Photo: 06/2008, Guanziling, Taiwan.
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    Tree Swallow [1] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Tachycineta bicolor). Photo: 08/2008, Saguaro NP., AZ, USA.
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    Tree Swallow [2] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Tachycineta bicolor). Photo: 08/2008, Saguaro NP., AZ, USA.
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    Violet-green Swallow [1] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Tachycineta thalassina). Photo: 08/2008, Chiricahua Mts., AZ, USA.
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    Violet-green Swallow [2] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Tachycineta thalassina). Photo: 09/2008, Cave Creek Canyon, AZ, USA.
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    Red-rumped Swallow [3] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis daurica). Photo: 05/2009, Dôgo Is., Oki, Japan.
    My image
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    Red-rumped Swallow [4] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis daurica). Photo: 05/2009, Dôgo Is., Oki, Japan.
    My image
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    Red-rumped Swallow [5] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis daurica). Photo: 05/2009, Dôgo Is., Oki, Japan.
    My image
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    Sand Martin / Bank Swallow [1] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Riparia riparia). Photo: 05/2009, Dôgo Is., Oki, Japan.
    My image
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    Sand Martin / Bank Swallow [2] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Riparia riparia). Photo: 05/2009, Dôgo Is., Oki, Japan.
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    Sand Martin / Bank Swallow [3] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Riparia riparia). Photo: 08/2010, Jura, France.
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    Eurasian Crag-Martin (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Ptyonoprogne rupestris). Photo: 08/2010, PNR du Queyras, France.
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    Northern House-Martin (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Delichon Urbicum). Photo: 08/2010, Paris, France.
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    Sri Lanka Swallow (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecripis hyperythra). Photo: 07/2011, Minneriya NP., Sri Lanka.
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    Wire-tailed Swallow [3] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Hirundo smithii). Photo: 08/2011, Yala, Sri Lanka.
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    Sand Martin / Bank Swallow [4] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Riparia riparia). Photo: 08/2012, Ogii Lake, Mongolia.
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    Sand Martin / Bank Swallow [5] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Riparia riparia). Photo: 05/2015, Koshiki Is., Japan.
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    Sand Martin / Bank Swallow [6] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Riparia riparia). Photo: 09/2016, Beishuidai, Yunnan, China.
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    Southern Rough-winged Swallow [4] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Stelgidopteryx ruficollis). Photo: 08/2017, Powakka, Suriname.
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    Purple Martin (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Progne subis). Photo: 08/2017, Arapahu, Suriname.
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    Black-collared Swallow [2] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Pygochelidon melanoleuca). Photo: 08/2017, Arapahu, Suriname.
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    Brown-chested Martin [1] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Progne tapera). Photo: 08/2017, Arapahu, Suriname.
    My image
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    Brown-chested Martin [2] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Progne tapera). Photo: 08/2017, Arapahu, Suriname.
    My image
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    Brown-chested Martin [3] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Progne tapera). Photo: 08/2017, Arapahu, Suriname.
    My image
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    Brown-chested Martin [4] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Progne tapera). Photo: 08/2017, Arapahu, Suriname.
    My image
  • My image
    Black-collared Swallow [3] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Pygochelidon melanoleuca). Photo: 09/2017, Arapahu, Suriname.
    My image
  • My image
    Red-rumped Swallow [6] (Hirundinidae - Hirundininae. Cecropis daurica). Photo: 04/2024, Shodoshima Is., Japan.



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We reserve all the rights to our works on this website. You may however copy or reuse the photos (which do not include site design, texts, drawings and paintings), subject to Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Symbols & Colors

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Click/tap on the blue "+" icon at the top right of the page to see the meaning of the colors/symbols.