Since its establishment in September 2003, Nippon Maritime Display Co., Ltd. has been developing its business with the missions of "Evolve the ship through new technology", "Contribute to the protection of environment" and "Focus on our customer's needs."
In June 2022, Nippon Marine Display merged three group companies (KOM'c Inc., VG Maritime Solutions Co., Ltd., and Nippon Maritime Communications Co., Ltd.) and made a fresh start under the new name "NMD Group Co., Ltd."
I am deeply grateful for the support of our customers, shareholders, partners, employees and so many others who have made it possible for us to develop this company in this way, over the 20 eventful years.
In particular, the past few years have seen a series of unprecedented events. The COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukrainian-Russian war, among others, were hard for anyone to predict.
However, in business or in life, being overwhelmed by the unforeseen circumstances often leads to unwanted results.
I believe that the best solution is to always make positive efforts when difficulties are imminent, and to join force to face them with own strength, intelligence, and experience.
NMD will continue to do exciting new things as a group of professional teams. I hope it to be a group that evolves together with our customers - refining our technology, improving our quality and providing new services that will truly satisfy you.
We are looking forward to serving you in near future!
Motoki Toyama
President, NMD Group Co., Ltd.
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