Arapahu is a small island in the upper Corantijn River. It is dominated by a large rapid at the southern half. In the beautiful garden around the lodges we find many birds. A Copper-tailed hummingbird visits the Heliconia flowers. Blue and Black-faced Dacnis, Red-capped Cardinal and many species of tanagers come to eat seeds from bushes on the riverbank. In the morning many species of Parrots and Macaws fly over.

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Red-capped Cardinal
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Ladder-tailed Nightjar
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Common Piping Guan
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Drab Water Tyrant
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Green Kingfisher
Opposite Arapahu on the eastern riverbank is a forest trail. Part of it goes through a liana forest. Here we find Band-tailed Antshrike and McConnell’s Spine-tail. In the moist area near the rapid Golden-crowned Spadebill is common. The rare Boat-billed Tody Tyrant has been seen here. Nests of Blackish Nightjar and Gray-necked Woodrail have been found.

Much time will be spent in a dug-out canoe. On the riverbank Drab Water-tyrant, Blackish Antbird and Ladder-tailed Nightjar are common. Green Ibises fly over the river in the early morning or sit on the rocks. The best place for birdwatching is the Muskita creek. This creek offers good chances on Sunbittern, Curve-billed Scythebill, all 5 species of Kingfisher, Brown and Paradise Jacamar and Crimson Topaz hummingbird. Nests of the latter have been found hanging above the water. Common Piping Guan, Striped Woodcreeper, two Trogon species, Black-chinned Antbird, Guyanan Streaked Antwren and River Warbler are common.

See the website of tropical gem tours for a complete species list.

Arapahu Island, Suriname

[photos ©] Nobuhisa Takano.
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