The camp is situated in a swamp forest on the bank of the ‘Little Saramacca river’. From Brownsweg we drive about 53 km in the direction of Atjoni on a paved road. Then we take a dirt road on the right, which goes to a timber concession (Prem lux 726). After 15 km, just before the timber concession, we find a small road of about 500 m to the camp of Fred. This road can be very muddy and cars without 4WD have to park about 200 m from the camp. We will come in a small 4WD buss.
In the center there is a large 2 story building. Downstairs there is a kitchen and a restaurant. Upstairs is a sleeping hall with more than 15 beds, (a few double beds, rest small double beds and one single bed). On one site of this building are two small wooden lodges with a toilet and zinc with a tap (streaming water). One lodge has 2 small double beds and one single bed. The other has 1 small double bed and 2 single beds.
Although there are 3 beds in each lodge I feel that for our purpose a lodge is fit for 2 persons. When we come with 4 guests, they will share the lodges while the driver and guide will have a bed in the sleeping hall. With more than 4 people, some have to sleep in the sleeping hall. On the other site of the big building is a small building with 3 toilets, 3 showers and a large zinc with 2 taps. You have to come with your own towels.
The water for the lodges and the toilet building is pumped from the fast streaming ‘Little Saramacca river’ into large tanks. The actual mountain (berg) is two-and-a-half hour walking. Fred has built a hammock camp on this rocky outcrop. We do not come there. The accommodation is basic and if you are in need for luxury you should not come.
The Birds
In the swamp forest surrounding the camp we can find many birds, along small trails. The most interesting are: Zigzag Heron, White-chested Puffbird (difficult), Yellow-billed and Great Jacamar, Black-faced and Rufous-capped Antthrush, Spotted and Thrush-like Antpitta. The latter can easily be heard, but very difficult be seen. Black Nunbirds are flying around the camp. And 3 species of hummingbirds are visiting the feeders daily.
White-chested Puffbird
Yellow-billed Jacamar
Spotted Antpitta
Crimson Fruitcrow
Dusky Purpletuft
Dusky Parrot
Opal-rumped Tanager
After driving by car for 15 minutes and 15 minutes walking we find a lek of the Cock-of-the-Rock where 4 males are active. Fred has built a blind from where the birds can be seen and photographed. There are more leks further away. The birds can be seen the whole year round. During breeding season from December until April they are more active.
The forest in the logging concession is a secondary forest. It has been logged. Still a very interesting forest remained and because of the logging, birds can be seen much easier. We will drive along the roads to look for the birds. Somewhere along the main road there is a lek of the Capuchinbird. The very rare and difficult Band-tailed Antshrike has been seen often, but does not react on playback anymore. It has become clear that playback should not be used for this species. The beautiful and rare Blue-backed Tanager has been seen on every tour so far. The even rarer and spectacular Crimson Fruitcrow is spotted regularly. Brown and Paradise Jacamars are common and easily to be seen. Glossy-backed Becard is seen regularly and the very rare Green-backed Becard has been spotted. There are several sightings of the Harpy eagle. The very rare Dusky Purpletuft has been photographed not far from the lek of the Cock-of-the-Rock. Many species of the Parrot-family can be found as well as 5 species of toucans. For me this is the best birding spot in Suriname.