Palumeu is an Amerindian village where Wayana and Tareno people are living. It is opposite the confluence of the Palumeu and Tapanahoni rivers. The airstrip is good for shorebirds like Upland Sandpiper and Collared Plover. Last year even a Pied Lapwing was present for months. At the end of the airstrip, near some agricultural grounds, is a swamp. Green Ibis, Lesser Kiskadee and Paint-billed Crake have been seen here.
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There are numerous hunting trails, which are good for bird watching. Tiny-tyrant manakins are very common here, as well as the many species of antbirds, foliage cleaners, woodcreepers, toucans and woodpeckers. This is one of the best places to see the rare Chestnut-belted Gnateater. The river gives one the opportunity to spot Green Ibis, Capped heron, Anhinga, Cocoi Heron, Kingfishers, White-banded and Black-collared Swallow. Sometimes a Harpy can be seen sitting in the canopy.

Two inselbergs can be visited, Poti hill and Mopo hill. Both give marvellous views of the canopy and therefore offer the opportunity to spot canopy birds. The rare and spectacular Crimson Fruitcrow has been sighted regularly here. The paths to both hills give good opportunities for Capuchin bird, Guyanan Red Cotinga, Great Jacamar, and Cinnamon Neopipo.

See for a total species list at the website of mets resorts.

Palumeu, Suriname

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