Around the Kappel airstrip (Tafelberg Airstrip) is a large savanna surrounded by rainforest. In the north the horizon is interrupted by the Tafelberg, the most eastern tepui in South-America. In the morning we can see large groups of Blue-and-yellow Macaws and Red-bellied Macaws. In the large Moriches palms, growing in a swampy part we find the skulking Point-tailed Palmcreeper. Black-billed Thrush, Lesser Seedfinch and White-tailed Hawk are common.
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In a savanna forest we find Black Manakin, Saffron-crested Tyrant Manakin and Bronzy Jacamar common. The rare and little known Pelzeln’s Tody-Tyrant has recently been found here.

The forest has many species of antbirds, foliage cleaners, woodcreepers, toucans and woodpeckers. Spectacular birds like Black Curassow and Grey-winged Trumpeters may be found with a bit of luck.

See the website of tropical gem tours for a complete species list.

Kappel Airstrip, Suriname

[photos ©] Saffron-crested Tyrant Manakin by Pieter Verheij and Pompadour Cotinga taken by Foek Chin Joe.
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