Accommodation & General Information

Cola Creek is situated at 10 minutes driving from the international airport. It is a touristic center for people from Paramaribo who come to swim in the blackwater creek. It has the color of Coca Cola, hence the name. In the weekends the place can be crowded with people. For this reason, we will only birdwatch near our lodges during early morning or at night.

For our purpose there are 5 lodges. Each has 2 sleeping rooms. One room has a double bed and a single bed. The other room has two single beds. The rooms are air conditioned. There is a toilet and a shower. Towels are provided. There is a fridge and a fully equipped kitchen. Dinner is provided by Cola Creek. The service is extremely well. Planes from the States arrive very late. No matter how late we arrive, your dinner will be ready. Breakfast will be bought in a supermarket in ‘Zanderij’, a nearby village. An Indonesian restaurant is available for lunch at Zanderij, too.

The Birds

If you want we start birdwatching at dawn near the creek. Red-shouldered and Red-bellied Macaws are very likely to be spotted as well as Orange-winged Amazones. There is a fairly good chance to meet a group of Cayenne Jays. These fly in small flocks in between the savanna forests, and are usually difficult to find. I feel that Cola Creek is the best place for this species. We may hear a Point-tailed Palmcreeper and if we will not see it, I can lure it on the other side of the creek. We have another good spot for this species about 1 km away. Often we hear or even see toucans. After dinner we may look for owls, as Black-banded Owl and Tropical Screech Owl have been found here.
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Cayenne Jay
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Point-tailed Palmcreeper
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Black-banded Owl
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Smoky-fronted Tody Flycatcher
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Eastern Meadowlark
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Black Vulture
After breakfast we go with the car to the other side of the creek. Here is a territory of the Smoky-fronted Tody Flycatcher. This bird is extremely rare in Suriname. I know only 2 places where it occurs. Further on this road there is a good place to wait for canopy flocks. The rare and beautiful Guira Tanager is regularly seen. In this forest we may find the difficult Glossy-backed Becard. Further at the back is a small lake, caused by the winning of sand. It may give us a couple of Least Grebes.

After lunch we will have a break till 4:00 PM (16:00 hrs.). Then we will go to the area around the international airport. On or near the fence of the airport we usually see a couple of Burrowing Owls. In 2007 Suriname was the last country in South-America to be reached by this species. White-headed Marsh Tyrant will sit on the fence, while the Grassland Sparrow and the Eastern Meadowlark may run on the ground along the fence. Sometimes we see a Ruddy-breasted Seedeater. This species has become rare, because it is trapped for the bird trade. In a corner we will see many Black and some Lesser Yellow-headed Vultures. Plain-crested and Rufous-crowned Elaenia’s live in the bushes and spread over the savannah. We will visit a low savannah forest with Black Manakin, Saffron-crested Tyrant Manakin and Bronzy Jacamar. The Reg-legged Tinamou is here very common, but we will not see it. Its easy recognizable song will be most likely heard.
[photos ©] Point-tailed Palmcreeper by Kevin Wistrom, Black-banded Owl by Nick Athanas, and the others by Nobuhisa Takano,

Cola Creek, Suriname

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