Here is a great report from our summer 2023 tour by Mark Easterbrook

From August 22 to September 5, 2023, we had a standard 15-day tour with four birdwatchers.
The tour was very successful and we saw 350 species of birds, 12 species of mammals, not to mention many reptiles, butterflies and dragonflies!
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Record of the highest number of birds seen on a tour in Suriname

In April 2018 Nick Athanas, Fred Pansa (at the Fredberg), Ashraf Tilburg, 3 American birdwatchers and me broke the record of the highest number of birds seen on a tour in Suriname. We found 409 species in 12 days, 376 have been seen. (Click here for the species list). The itinerary was almost similar to that of the standard 13 day-tour. To compare my result with that of the big international birding tour operators, we have to add Feral Pigeon, which they all put on their lists. I refuse to do so. If you put such a species on your list, you might as well go to the zoo.

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